Giving Hanover Citizens Choice in Their Power Source
Leading the Way to 100% Renewable Energy
Hanover Community Power is a way to purchase electric power that is more renewable and/or less expensive than power offered by regulated utilities.
In 2021, Town staff, the Hanover Electric Aggregation Committee, and members of Sustainable Hanover's Energy Initiative prepared the Hanover Community Power Plan, which was adopted at Town Meeting.
We are now putting that plan to action to create short- and long-term benefits for our energy users.

How Community Power Works
Hanover Community Power combines the buying power of residents and businesses so that together we can achieve competitively priced electricity. Customers are always free to choose to buy power from their utility, or from another market option, by submitting notice in advance of their next utility meter read date.
By accessing the power market, we can control price volatility and choose which energy sources to buy or build.

Hanover Community Power purchases electricity from the sources you choose.
Eversource, Liberty, and NH Electric Co-op deliver the electricity using the same power line infrastructure and billing mechanisms.
Hanover Energy Users save money and have the power to choose new rates and products, and how much electricity comes from renewable sources.
Electricity markets are changing. Customers are generating their own power and adopting new technologies that add value to our energy portfolio.
Hanover Community Power will harness that value, and empower customers to create a more innovative and cost-effective energy future.
Visit our Frequently Asked Questions page to learn more.
Electricity Supply Choices
Granite Plus is the default service option for Hanover Community Power customers.
Why Customers choose Community Power
By purchasing in bulk, we get more competitive prices. In collaboration with CPCNH’s Risk Management Committee which works with specialists in load management and energy markets, we use market strategies unavailable to regulated utilities and energy brokers to procure electricity at the best possible cost.
Hanover Community Power is transformative in helping the entire Town reach its 2030 goal of purchasing or generating enough renewable electricity to offset 100% of the power it consumes. Doing so will depend on each of us choosing the highest level of renewables that fits our pocketbook.
Community power is entirely voluntary and increases choice. Choose from the menu of options with varying prices and levels of renewable energy content. You have the power to select the option that best fits you pocketbook and values, or to opt-out.
Hanover has a voice in how CPCNH is governed and wrote its own aggregation plan. We are able to set our own priorities regarding our energy future.

Peter Kulbacki
Member Representative to the
Community Power Coalition of New Hampshire
Member of CPCNH Risk Management Committee
Hanover Director of Public Works

Yolanda Baumgartner
Member Alternate to the
Community Power Coalition of New Hampshire
Sustainable Hanover Committee, Co-Chair
Community Representation
Hanover joined dozens of other New Hampshire cities and towns to create our own locally accountable nonprofit power agency — Community Power Coalition of New Hampshire.
The Town of Hanover appoints representatives to the Coalition to oversee the agency's governance and finances. Meet our Member Representatives!

Through the Coalition, we tap into the advanced expertise to give customers the highest quality service, and the collective leadership required to drive important policy reforms at the state level.
Together, we are leading the way towards a more innovative and resilient energy system for the Granite State.