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Electricity Choices
Use the portal below to enroll, select a different renewable option, or opt-out of Community Power. Please have your utility account number handy so we can easily process your selection. If you have recently set up a new account with your utility call 1-866-603-7697 (POWR) to enroll.
Liberty Utilities G1 and G2 Commercial Customers on Granite Plus
The table below shows our Community Power monthly variable rates for Class G1 and G2 customers compared to Liberty Utilities' supply rate in ¢ per kWh:

Rates beginning February 1, 2025

Monthly variable rates for both Liberty Utilities and Community Power are charged based on how much electricity you use within each calendar month. For example, a customer whose billing cycle begins on May 15th and ends on June 15th would be charged the "May" rate for electricity used between May 15th and May 31st, and the "June" rate for electricity used between June 1 and June 15th.
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